Gulzar Sheikh, known for his YouTube channel “Gulzar Indian Hacker,” was arrested on Thursday by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) for conducting and posting hazardous stunts involving railway tracks. Sheikh, whose videos have amassed over 200,000 subscribers, was apprehended following a thorough investigation into his dangerous activities.
The arrest was made after Sheikh was found placing various objects, including bicycles, gas cylinders, soap, and stones, on railway tracks and filming trains passing over them. The RPF’s Unchahar unit, in conjunction with local police, took action after analyzing Sheikh’s YouTube profile and social media presence, which revealed his risky behavior posed significant threats to railway safety.
A video shared on social media depicts Sheikh placing a bicycle on the tracks and waiting for a train to run over it. This, along with other similar stunts, has raised severe safety concerns. The Ministry of Railways issued a statement confirming the registration of an offense under multiple provisions of the Railway Act on August 1, 2024. Sheikh was subsequently arrested at his residence in Khandrauli Village, Soraon, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
The Ministry of Railways stressed that the Director General of the RPF viewed the legal action against Sheikh as crucial in deterring others from compromising railway safety. The RPF underscored the necessity of stringent legal measures to safeguard Indian Railways and assured the public that such dangerous activities would be met with the utmost legal consequences.
The arrest of Gulzar Sheikh serves as a stern warning to those engaging in activities that endanger public safety, particularly on critical infrastructure such as railway systems. The RPF remains committed to maintaining strict safety standards and prosecuting any actions that threaten the security of railway operations.
Sources By Agencies