Tensions escalated in Ukraine as Russia’s armed forces launched strikes on military airbases in the Khmelnytskyi and Rivne regions of western Ukraine. The Russian defence ministry claimed that “all targets were hit” during the overnight operation, adding to the mounting crisis between the two neighboring countries. In response, Ukrainian authorities reported downing 30 out of 40 cruise missiles, while also acknowledging that Russia fired three hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which are significantly harder to intercept.
The Russian defence ministry stated that its armed forces carried out the attacks on Ukrainian armed forces airbases near the settlements of Starokostiantyniv in the Khmelnytskyi region and Dubno in the Rivne region. The missile strikes targeted military installations in the western regions, far from the front lines of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine faced several waves of missile attacks overnight, leading to the successful downing of 30 out of 40 cruise missiles fired by the Russian forces. However, details about the fate of the three hypersonic Kinzhal missiles were not immediately available. These missiles pose a higher level of difficulty for interception, raising concerns over their potential impact.
In the aftermath of the attacks, Ukrainian authorities reported a fire at a corn waste warehouse in Starokostiantyniv, causing damage over an area of 1,400 square meters. Prompt response efforts managed to extinguish the blaze before it could spread further. The Khmelnytskyi region has been a frequent target of Russian strikes, despite being situated hundreds of kilometers away from the main conflict zone in eastern Ukraine.
President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the missile attack and referred to the use of Kinzhal and Kalibr missiles by Russia against Ukraine. He specifically mentioned Motor Sich, a key Ukrainian defense enterprise, as one of the targets hit in the attacks. The President’s statement underscores the severity of the situation and its potential implications on Ukraine’s defense capabilities.
In the Rivne region, Ukrainian officials reported that only a few private households were damaged due to the missile strikes. The head of the regional state administration, Vitaliy Koval, provided this update, indicating that the situation in the Rivne region was comparatively less severe than in other areas targeted by Russian forces.
The latest airstrikes by Russia on military airbases in western Ukraine have further escalated the ongoing conflict, heightening tensions in the region. The downing of cruise missiles by Ukraine’s forces showcases the country’s resilience and determination to defend its sovereignty. However, the use of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles poses new challenges and intensifies concerns over the potential for further escalations. The international community closely monitors the situation as it unfolds, urging both sides to exercise restraint and seek peaceful resolutions to the crisis.
Sources By Agencies