In a dramatic turn of events in the Rajya Sabha, a fierce showdown erupted between Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’Brien during discussions concerning the ongoing Manipur violence issue. The heated exchange came after a week of disruptions and sloganeering over the matter, and it highlighted the escalating tensions within the parliamentary chamber.
The tension-filled scene unfolded when Chairman Dhankhar addressed the House, expressing his concerns about the repeated disruptions, stating that they do not earn respect among the public. He acknowledged receiving 47 notices under Rule 267, reflecting the members’ apprehensions about the situation in Manipur.
Attempting to appeal to the wisdom of the House, the Chairman urged members to set aside partisan interests and engage in a serious, short-duration discussion on the matter. However, things took a contentious turn when Derek O’Brien interjected, objecting to the use of the term “theatrics” and asserting that he was merely quoting the rules of the House while seeking a serious debate under Rule 267.
The clash intensified as the Chairman accused O’Brien of frequently engaging in theatrics and urged him to show respect to the chair. Despite the escalating tension, the Trinamool Congress MP insisted on a serious discussion under Rule 267, which grants special powers to suspend the pre-decided agenda with the Chairman’s approval.
Rule 267 discussions are infrequent, and the government has been reluctant to allow one on the Manipur issue, proposing a discussion under Rule 176 instead. Rule 176 permits a short-duration discussion but lacks provisions for a formal motion or voting.
The tense atmosphere ultimately led to the adjournment of the House until Monday, leaving important discussions on hold. The incident serves as a reminder of the pressing need for constructive dialogue and collaboration within Parliament to address critical issues impacting the nation.
As the political landscape continues to be riddled with challenges and opposing views, finding common ground and respecting parliamentary decorum are vital for meaningful debates and effective governance. The Manipur violence issue remains unresolved, and the citizens anxiously await a constructive and inclusive discussion to address the pressing concerns at hand.
Sources By Agencies