In an unexpected turn of events, a heated exchange transpired between Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) colleagues, Gujarat MLA Rivaba Jadeja and MP Poonamben Maadam, during a public event in Jamnagar. The disagreement stemmed from a dispute regarding the ‘use of slippers’ while paying respects to fallen soldiers. The situation escalated to the point where Rivaba Jadeja, also the wife of Indian cricketer Ravindra Jadeja, reportedly reprimanded her colleagues and urged them to ‘stay in limits’. The incident, captured on video, swiftly made rounds on social media platforms.
At the event held in Jamnagar, Gujarat, MLA Rivaba Jadeja and MP Poonamben Maadam engaged in a verbal spat that revolved around the protocol for paying homage to fallen soldiers. The dispute particularly centered on whether it was appropriate to remove one’s slippers during the tribute. The disagreement took an intense turn as the three BJP colleagues confronted one another over this matter, even during a scheduled photo session.
The confrontation, which involved two prominent women leaders of the BJP, caught the attention of attendees and onlookers. In a widely circulated video, Rivaba Jadeja was seen expressing her discontent with her colleagues’ comments about her decision to remove her slippers while paying respects. The tension escalated to the extent that Rivaba Jadeja admonished MP Poonamben Maadam and Jamnagar Mayor Binaben Kothari to ‘stay in limits’, implying a breach of decorum.
Following the incident, MLA Rivaba Jadeja addressed the media to provide her perspective on the altercation. She explained that the disagreement arose when MP Poonamben Maadam allegedly labeled her as ‘over smart’ for removing her slippers during the tribute. Rivaba Jadeja expressed her discomfort with the comment, stating that she spoke out of self-respect to address the perceived slight.
Rivaba Jadeja, who joined the BJP in 2019, secured her position as an MLA in the previous assembly election. In contrast, Poonamben Maadam has been serving as an MP from the Jamnagar constituency since 2014. The clash between these two prominent BJP members highlights underlying tensions within the party and underscores the importance of maintaining decorum and unity among its members.
As the video of this altercation gains traction on social media, political observers and party supporters are closely watching to see how the BJP addresses and manages this internal conflict while also ensuring that such incidents do not overshadow the party’s goals and public image.
Sources By Agencies