In a tragic incident in Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district, the collapse of a dilapidated wall during a religious ceremony led to the deaths of nine children and injuries to two others. The children, aged between 8 and 15 years, were seated near the crumbling wall of a 50-year-old house owned by Mulu Patel when the incident occurred.
Local residents suggest that the wall’s collapse was triggered by vibrations caused by loud music from a DJ setup at the Hardaul Baba temple, where the ceremony was taking place. The religious event included Bhagwat Katha and the making of clay Shivlings, and the music was reportedly played at high volumes starting around 9 am.
The already weakened wall, further damaged by recent heavy rains, could not withstand the vibrations from the loud music, leading to its collapse. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav expressed deep sorrow over the incident and announced financial assistance of ₹4 lakh for the families of the deceased children. Additionally, the state government has taken action against several local officials, including the district collector Deepak Arya and police chief Abhishek Tiwari, as well as two officials from the Shahpur municipality.
In response to the incident, police have filed cases against house owner Mulu Kushwaha and the event organizers Shiv Patel and Sanjeev Patel, who are currently in custody. Local councillor Raja Yadav confirmed that the loud music contributed to the wall’s collapse, stating, “The wall was already old and weakened by continuous rain. The loud DJ music caused vibrations that led to the wall’s collapse.”
Dr. Rakesh Gupta, an ENT specialist, highlighted the dangers of loud music, noting that vibrations from such music can destabilize already weakened structures and pose significant health risks. “Loud DJ music can cause weak structures to collapse, especially when walls are damp due to rain. The intense vibrations from high decibel levels can be harmful,” Dr. Gupta explained.
This incident has reignited discussions on the regulation of loud music at religious events. The BJP government in Madhya Pradesh, led by Chief Minister Yadav, has previously implemented restrictions on loudspeakers and DJ systems at such events to mitigate disturbances and prevent accidents. The Chief Minister has also ordered officials to identify and address hazardous buildings to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
Sources By Agencies