Today Youngsters of society are going towards western culture and destroying their life by doing Drugs and Alcohol and at the same time, they are also doing nothing for their families that add value to their life. This is a very serious thing for society because it’s a very small issue now but in the future, many youngsters will destroy their Life and no one will be able to help them.
Arjun who is the founder of Khatushyamji Group Trust noticed this problem in the people around him and started thinking about these issues very deeply. Arjun noticed the main cause for this problem is the Lack of education in society. Moreover, he also noticed that the educated youth also doing Drugs because of that Arjun started to spread awareness about the Demerits of Drugs and Started a campaign name “SAY NO TO DRUGS”
Many youths joined this movement with Arjun and became volunteers of the Khatushyamji Group Trust and NGO. Currently, Khatushyamji Group is working on various social and religious issues to make a difference in society and make society clean from every bad aspect.
The Objective of the Khatushyamji Group is to promote the Hindu religion for the good of people. That’s why they are constructing and maintaining many Temples in Delhi and nearby.
Moreover, they are providing free Bus Seva for Dharmik places. Gau Raksha is becoming popular nowadays but Khatushyamji Group has been working on this issue for many years.
Helping underprivileged people so that they can be on a good Level in future is one of the Key Aim of Khatushyamji Group. The only way they do it fast is through education and for the same reason they are constructing schools for underprivileged children so that they can create a bright Future. Khatushyamji Group also provides Free Bus Seva in Rural
Currently, they working on Drugs issues very
Aggressively. They made a big campaign for awareness. They teach youngsters that Drugs kill you slowly. You are doing drugs to stay high. You may feel you have wings for some time but it will take your Blue Sky for a lifetime. And this Drugs awareness campaign made a huge impact on youth.

Khatushyamji Group is setting a great example for society. We need more youngsters like Arjun who works for social causes. More and more volunteers are joining this NGO to make a change in society. You can also check their website to become a volunteer and see how they are working on the social cause for the good of people