In a significant development linked to the shooting incident at a Burger King outlet in Delhi, Anu, also known as “Lady Don” among her gang members, was spotted at the Katra railway station carrying her luggage. The security camera footage captured her with a scarf covering her face as she moved through the station.
Anu, a close associate of fugitive gangster Himanshu Bhau, is believed to have played a role in the honey-trap scheme that led to the murder of a 26-year-old man at the Burger King outlet in Rajouri Garden. Police sources indicate that she boarded a train bound for Mumbai around 10 am on Thursday, adding to the complexity of the ongoing investigation.
Hailing from Haryana’s Rohtak, Anu has a criminal record and is currently being sought by law enforcement authorities. Her involvement in the trap set to lure Aman Joon to the Burger King outlet has raised eyebrows, especially considering the meticulous planning evident in the attack.
According to the FIR, the attack on Aman Joon involved 38 bullets of three different makes, suggesting the use of multiple weapons by the assailants. CCTV footage from earlier also shows Anu sitting with Aman at the outlet when the gunmen opened fire, highlighting her direct involvement in the tragic event.
Further investigations reveal Anu’s movements before and after the murder. She was captured on CCTV taking a train from GTB Nagar Metro Station to Rajouri Garden and then using the metro to reach Shakurpur Metro Station after the crime.
The heinous nature of the murder, coupled with the involvement of notorious gangster Himanshu Bhau, has intensified the search for Anu. Bhau, suspected to be in Portugal presently, has claimed responsibility for the killing in a social media post, terming it a “revenge killing” in connection to past events.
Himanshu Bhau’s criminal activities, including extortion, have been a cause of concern for law enforcement agencies across Delhi and Haryana. His association with jailed gangster Neeraj Bawana and his evasion of authorities since 2022 underscore the challenges faced in tackling organized crime in the region.
Sources By Agencies