On Saturday, the Karnataka State IT/ITeS Employees Union (KITU) held a rally at Freedom Park to protest a controversial bill proposing an extension of daily working hours in the IT and BPO sectors. The bill, which suggests increasing the maximum workday from 10 to 14 hours, has faced significant opposition from employees and industry stakeholders.
The demonstration saw a substantial turnout, as IT professionals voiced their concerns over the proposed changes. According to reports by Moneycontrol, the rally was attended by numerous union members who criticized the bill as detrimental to worker welfare.
During the protest, Manjunath G, Additional Commissioner of the Labour Department, addressed the crowd and assured that the government would review the petition submitted by KITU. He emphasized that the concerns raised would be taken into consideration.
The proposed bill, which has been shelved by the Karnataka state cabinet, aimed to extend working hours up to a total of 125 hours over a three-month period. Proponents of the bill argued that it was intended to enhance Karnataka’s share of Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India, increasing from 45 percent to 50 percent. However, the plan faced strong resistance from both employees and industry leaders.
KITU representatives expressed worries that the bill could force companies to shift from a three-shift to a two-shift system, potentially leading to significant job losses. They argue that such a move would disproportionately affect around one-third of the workforce, creating additional economic insecurity for employees.
The protest also saw tensions rise when members of a rival IT employee union arrived with their own banner, leading to a brief altercation. Police were called to the scene to manage the situation, escorting three individuals away to restore order.
Sources By Agencies