West Bengal Correctional Services Minister Akhil Giri has resigned from his ministerial post following a directive from Trinamool Congress (TMC) leadership, who demanded his resignation and an apology to a forest department official. The resignation came after Giri was accused of threatening and verbally abusing a woman forest official, Manisha Sahu, over issues related to encroachments on forest land.
Giri, a TMC MLA representing Ramnagar, submitted his resignation to the Chief Minister’s Office, as confirmed by the Chief Secretary. However, he made it clear that he would not extend an apology to any official involved in the incident but is open to apologizing to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
“I have tendered my resignation through the Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister’s Office. I will not apologize to any official but may apologize to the Chief Minister,” Giri told reporters. He expressed regret for using inappropriate language but stood by his actions, claiming they were motivated by his concern for the people and their sufferings.
The controversy erupted when Giri was filmed threatening Forest Ranger Manisha Sahu and criticizing her and her team for their actions in removing encroachments from forest department land near Tajpur beach in Purba Medinipur district. The videos, which circulated widely, showed Giri warning Sahu about reducing her tenure, further escalating the situation.
Giri alleged that the forest officials were involved in corruption, claiming that small-time businessmen had paid bribes to secure permissions for setting up shops on the disputed land. He plans to write a detailed account to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, explaining the events that led to his outburst.
Despite the political turmoil, Giri, who has been with TMC since its inception in 1998, indicated that he would continue to serve as an MLA until his term ends in 2026. When asked about his future political plans, including the possibility of joining the BJP, Giri declined to comment, emphasizing his commitment to working as an MLA as required by his party.
Sources By Agencies