The Karnataka coast is grappling with severe disruptions following heavy rain and landslides that have impacted daily life and transportation in the region. A significant landslide near Harle estate in Sakleshpur’s Hassan district has caused a crucial alternative route to the Bengaluru-Mangaluru highway to collapse, halting both road and rail traffic.
On the night of July 29, a major landslide struck the area, causing part of the road to cave in and disappear. Social media users shared alarming visuals of the devastation, showing large chunks of a hillock tumbling onto the roadway, impacting vehicles in the process. One X user described the scene: “Large chunks of a hillock fell on vehicles traveling on the road. The vehicular movement has been badly affected.”
The Bengaluru-Mangaluru highway, already plagued by recent landslides, has experienced significant chaos, impeding the flow of both vehicles and goods. In a related incident, another landslide occurred at Shiradi Ghat near Doddathople, severely disrupting the Mangaluru-Bengaluru National Highway. The landslide, which involved a collapse onto a car, lorry, and gas tanker, has led to a complete suspension of vehicle movement and extensive roadblocks. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported, though some individuals are suspected to have sustained minor injuries.
The impact on rail services has been equally severe. The landslide has disrupted railway tracks between Edakumeri and Kadagaralli along Shiradi Ghat, leading to train cancellations and reroutes. Officials estimate that it will take up to 15 days to fully restore the tracks. The landslide has necessitated the use of train wagons to transport repair equipment, with two engines hauling wagons loaded with rocks and materials while over 750 workers manually transport supplies to the damaged area.
Sources By Agencies