In a startling development, the Uttar Pradesh Police have detained a Pakistani woman, Seema Ghulam Haider, who illegally entered India through Nepal with her four children to be with her partner, Sachin Meena. The police have also recovered several alarming items from her possession, including two video cassettes, four mobile phones, five Pakistan-authorised passports, an unused passport with incomplete details, and an identity card.
According to the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), Seema Haider reportedly met her partner, Sachin Meena, through the popular online game PUBG. The couple was questioned for two consecutive days by the UP ATS, with officials from the Intelligence Bureau also present during the interrogations.
The investigation sheds light on Seema’s background and her journey into India. Seema’s husband had left for Saudi Arabia in 2019 for work, and he used to send her a substantial amount of money every month to manage household expenses in Pakistan. Despite this financial support, Seema managed to save money and also received financial aid from her father-in-law, husband, and relatives, which she used to purchase a house worth 12 lakh Pakistani rupees.
However, just three months after buying the house, Seema sold it to finance her illicit plan of crossing borders to be with her lover in India. On March 10, she flew from Karachi Airport to Sharjah Airport and then proceeded to Kathmandu, Nepal, on a tourist visa. Meanwhile, Sachin Meena had already arrived in Gorakhpur on March 8 and later joined Seema in Kathmandu. The couple spent seven days together there.
Two months later, Seema obtained a tourist visa for Dubai and traveled there with her four children – Farhan alias Raj (7 ½ years), Farwah alias Priyanka (6 ½ years), Fariha alias Pari (5 years), and Munni (3 years). From Dubai, she flew to Kathmandu and eventually reached Pokhara in Nepal on May 11, where she spent a night with her kids at a hotel.
Seema’s journey took a questionable turn as she boarded a bus from Pokhara to the Khunwa border in Uttar Pradesh’s Siddharthnagar and illegally entered India. She then traveled to several cities, including Lucknow, Agra, and finally arrived in Gautambuddha Nagar on May 13, where Sachin had rented a room in Rabupura.
Upon apprehending Seema Haider, the Uttar Pradesh Police discovered the alarming stash of items, raising concerns about her intentions and activities. The recovered items included two video cassettes, four mobile phones, five Pakistan-authorised passports, an unused passport with incomplete details, and an identity card.
Authorities have stated that they are taking legal action against Seema Haider for illegally entering Indian borders. The investigation is ongoing to ascertain the full extent of her motives and connections.
This incident highlights the need for vigilant border security measures and underlines the potential risks associated with online interactions, which might have far-reaching consequences beyond the digital realm.
Sources By Agencies