The contentious ‘Shobha Yatra’ procession in Haryana’s Nuh district concluded peacefully on Monday under the vigilant eye of heightened security arrangements. In an effort to prevent a recurrence of the violent clashes that erupted on July 31, the police deployed around 3,000 personnel, established barricades every 500 meters, and set up 100 checkpoints across the region.
During this procession, only a group of 51 individuals were permitted to enter a temple for Hindu rituals, including the pouring of water on the Shivling, a practice known as “jalabhishek.” This restrained approach aimed to avoid further communal tensions after the Braj Mandal Jal Abhishek Yatra on July 31 led to violent confrontations between Hindu and Muslim groups, resulting in six deaths and 88 injuries over two days.
The Nalhar temple, situated in the heart of the Muslim-majority district, witnessed a controlled gathering of approximately 3,000 individuals offering prayers. However, only the designated group of 51, including Alok Kumar, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s (VHP) international working president, were granted entry to perform the rituals. This group was under continuous police surveillance throughout the event.
Mamta Singh, Additional Director General of Police, confirmed that the controlled group successfully conducted the rituals and were escorted out afterward, with no permission granted for any additional procession or entry of outsiders.
Alok Kumar of VHP expressed his satisfaction with the police arrangements and suggested that similar precautions could have prevented the violence on July 31. The VHP, heeding the request of Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, modified their plans for a full-fledged yatra (procession) and opted for a curtailed jalabhishek in response to the administration’s denial of permission.
In preparation for the event, the Nuh administration implemented a series of precautionary measures, including suspending internet services and bulk text messaging, closing schools, colleges, and banks, and sealing entry and exit points. Despite these actions, the day proceeded without any reported incidents.
Narender Bijarniya, Superintendent of Police, disclosed that surveillance drones and a substantial police force were deployed to ensure security, with strict regulations on entry and movement. Dharna Yadav, Deputy Superintendent of Police, oversaw security at the Nalhar temple, where individuals were admitted after proper identification checks.
As the procession concluded peacefully, Haryana authorities remained vigilant to avoid any untoward incidents, while citizens of the district expressed relief that the event transpired without violence.
Sources By Agencies