The aftermath of the tragic fire incident at a Delhi children’s hospital has sparked controversy and administrative action. Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena has taken a swipe at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, ordering an anti-corruption probe into possible lapses in registration and regulatory management of private nursing homes in the city.
In a public statement, Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena expressed disappointment over what he perceived as a lack of substantive action from Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj following the hospital fire. Mr Saxena announced an anti-corruption probe to investigate allegations of irregularities in nursing home registrations and regulatory compliance.
Mr Saxena alleged ministerial oversight shortcomings, criminal neglect, and connivance of government officials in granting or renewing licenses for nursing homes. He emphasized the necessity of his intervention due to the perceived lack of seriousness from the authorities responsible.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has not yet responded to Mr Saxena’s statements. However, Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj has initiated a mandatory audit of safety equipment in all city hospitals and pledged strict punishment for those found guilty.
The hospital fire brought to light serious lapses, including the absence of emergency exit systems, invalid no-objection certificates, and overcrowding beyond permitted limits. Two doctors, including the hospital owner, have been arrested for their alleged roles in the incident.
Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena expressed a stern view of the matter, highlighting the importance of addressing systemic issues in public health infrastructure. He directed the Anti-Corruption Bureau to investigate the functioning of nursing homes without valid permits and compliance with safety standards.
Mr Saxena’s actions come amidst a politically charged atmosphere, including previous probes against Mr Kejriwal and recent controversies involving Delhi’s governance. The LG’s interventions have drawn reactions from various quarters, with ongoing tensions between the AAP and the Lieutenant Governor’s office.
Sources By Agencies