Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun on Friday filed a regular bail petition in connection with a tragic incident during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2 that resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman. The actor appeared before the Nampally criminal courts in Hyderabad via video conference as part of the ongoing legal proceedings.
Court Proceedings
Allu Arjun’s legal counsel argued for bail while informing the court that the Telangana High Court had already granted the actor interim bail for four weeks, valid until January 10. The prosecution sought additional time to submit a counter, leading the court to defer the bail plea hearing to December 30.
The judicial remand of the actor, originally ending on December 13, had been extended and concluded on Friday. The court also postponed a decision regarding the extension of Arjun’s judicial remand and the Sandhya Theatre stampede incident hearings to January 10.
Police Interrogation
On December 24, Hyderabad police questioned Allu Arjun for nearly four hours regarding the December 4 stampede at Sandhya Theatre. The inquiry team, led by Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Zone) Akshansh Yadav, Assistant Commissioner of Police Ramesh Kumar, and Senior Inspector Raju Yadav, asked the actor approximately 20 questions. However, Arjun reportedly remained silent for most of the interrogation.
Compensation for Victims
In light of the tragic event, Allu Arjun, along with the makers of Pushpa 2, announced a ₹2 crore compensation for the victim’s family. The actor contributed ₹1 crore, while Mythri Movies and director Sukumar provided ₹50 lakh each. Telangana Film Development Corporation Chairperson Dil Raju handed over the compensation to the grieving family.
Ongoing Investigation
The case, which has drawn significant public attention, continues to evolve. The court and investigative authorities are working to determine the circumstances leading to the stampede and establish accountability.
Sources By Agencies