India has successfully conducted the test firing of a first-of-its-kind Naval Anti-Ship Missile (NASM-SR) from Chandipur off the coast of Odisha. The missile, launched from an Indian Navy Seaking helicopter, demonstrated its capability against ship targets, the Defence Ministry confirmed on Tuesday.
The missile, developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in collaboration with the Indian Navy, successfully hit a small ship target in sea-skimming mode at its maximum range, proving its Man-in-Loop feature. The test also showcased the missile’s high-bandwidth two-way datalink system, which allows the pilot to receive live images from the missile’s indigenous imaging infra-red seeker for in-flight retargeting.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO and the Navy on the successful test, highlighting the importance of indigenous missile technology for India’s naval strength.
According to the ministry, the missile was developed by multiple DRDO laboratories, including Research Centre Imarat, Defence Research and Development Laboratory, High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, and Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory.
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